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Static methods​


This will return IClickableActions which will expose different methods to handle mouse actions.

IClickableActions mouseActions = ClickableActions.withMouse ();

Instance methods​


This method is used to click on the given element if it's a Web application or will perform tap action if the element is on Mobile. It will also scroll the element into view before clicking on it (in Web application)

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).click ();


This method is used to double click on the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).doubleClick ();


This method is used to right click on the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).rightClick ();


This method is used to click and hold on the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).clickAndHold ();

dragTo (locator)​

This method is used to drag source element and drop it on the target element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
Locator source = // source element to drag
Locator target = // target element to drag the source to
withMouse (source).dragTo (target);

draw (steps)​

This method is used to draw on the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.MouseAction.ActionType.MOVE;
import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.MouseAction.ActionType.PAUSE;
import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.MouseAction.ActionType.PRESSED;
import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.MouseAction.ActionType.RELEASED;
import static io.github.boykaframework.testng.ui.excalidraw.pages.HomePage.homePage;
import static java.time.Duration.ofMillis;
. . .
final var steps = new ArrayList<MouseAction> ();
steps.add (MouseAction.composeAction ()
.actionType (MOVE)
.duration (ofMillis (5))
.location (new Point (x, y))
.compose ());
steps.add (MouseAction.composeAction ()
.actionType (PRESS)
.compose ());
steps.add (MouseAction.composeAction ()
.actionType (PAUSE)
.duration (ofMillis (10))
.compose ());
steps.add (MouseAction.composeAction ()
.actionType (RELEASE)
.compose ());

withMouse (homePage ().getCanvas ()).draw (steps);


This method is used to hover on the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).hover ();


This method is used to press the back button of mouse on the device.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse ().pressBackButton ();


This method is used to press the forward button of mouse on the device.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse ().pressForwardButton ();


This method is used to scroll the given element into view.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).scrollToElement ();


This method is used to submit the given element.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.elements.ClickableActions.withMouse;
. . .
withMouse (locator).submit ();