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🕸ī¸ Appium with Selenium Grid 4

In this tutorials, you will learn how to run Appium tests on Selenium Grid 4 (traditional Hub and Node) using Boyka framework.

Start Appium Servers​

First step is to start 2 instances of Appium server, one for Android and one for iOS.

To start Appium server for Android, run the following command:

appium server --config core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-android.yml

Note that we are using Appium config file located at core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-android.yml in the Boyka framework repository.

Now, we will start another instance of Appium server for iOS on another terminals by running the following command:

appium server --config core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-ios.yml

Here also we are using another Appium config file located at core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-ios.yml in the Boyka framework repository.

Start Selenium Grid 4​

Now start Selenium Grid Hub by running the following command on a new terminal window:

java -jar core-java/libs/selenium-server-4.12.0.jar hub

Here you can download the Selenium server JAR file from the Selenium Website or you can use the one available at core-java/libs/selenium-server-4.12.0.jar in Boyka framework repository.

Now, on a new terminal window, run the following command to connect the Android Appium server session node to the Selenium Grid Hub:

java -jar core-java/libs/selenium-server-4.12.0.jar node --config core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-node-android.toml

Here we are using Android Node config file located at core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-node-android.toml in the framework repository.

Same way, we will start another node for iOS by running the following command on a new terminal window:

java -jar core-java/libs/selenium-server-4.12.0.jar node --config core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-node-ios.toml

Here we are using iOS node config file located at core-java/src/test/resources/grid/appium-node-ios.toml in the framework repository.

Boyka config for Selenium Grid​

We will be using the following Boyka config file for running our tests on Android and iOS platforms:

"ui": {
"timeout": {
"implicit_wait": 10,
"explicit_wait": 30,
"page_load_timeout": 30,
"script_timeout": 10,
"highlight_delay": 100
"screenshot": {
"enabled": true,
"path": "./screenshots",
"extension": "jpeg",
"prefix": "SCR"
"mobile": {
"test_grid_wdio_android": {
"server": {
"target": "LOCAL",
"port": 4444,
"driver": "UI_AUTOMATOR",
"external": true
"device": {
"os": "ANDROID",
"version": "11",
"name": "Pixel_7_Pro",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"server_install_timeout": 60,
"server_launch_timeout": 60,
"ignore_unimportant_views": true,
"full_reset": true,
"swipe": {
"max_swipe_until_found": 5
"application": {
"path": "/apps/android/wdio-demo.apk",
"wait_activity": "com.wdiodemoapp.MainActivity",
"type": "HYBRID",
"install_timeout": 180,
"wait_timeout": 120
"virtual_device": {
"name": "Pixel_7_Pro",
"headless": true
"test_grid_wdio_ios": {
"server": {
"target": "LOCAL",
"port": 4444,
"driver": "XCUI",
"external": true
"device": {
"os": "IOS",
"version": "16.2",
"name": "iPhone 14",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"server_install_timeout": 60,
"server_launch_timeout": 60,
"connect_keyboard": false,
"typing_speed": 35,
"swipe": {
"max_swipe_until_found": 5
"virtual_device": {
"headless": true,
"launch_timeout": 180
"wda": {
"launch_timeout": 120,
"connection_timeout": 120
"application": {
"path": "/apps/ios/",
"type": "HYBRID",
"install_timeout": 180

In this example Boyka config, you must use the correct device details like, device name, platform version, virtual device name, etc.

Now, when you run your tests using these config keys, your test will get executed on the Android and iOS platform with Selenium Grid 4.