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Static methods​


This will return ICookieActions which will expose different methods to handle Cookies.

ICookieActions cookiesActions = CookieActions.withCookies ();

Instance methods​

This method will get the cookie from the browser based on it's name.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.drivers.CookieActions.withCookies;
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie;
. . .
Cookie c = withCookies ().cookie ("cookie-name");


This method will get all the cookie from the browser and return all the cookie names as list.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.drivers.CookieActions.withCookies;
. . .
List<String> cookieNames = withCookies ().cookies ();


This method will delete all the cookies from the browser.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.drivers.CookieActions.withCookies;
. . .
withCookies ().deleteAll ();

delete (name)​

This method will delete the cookie from the browser based on it's name.

import static io.github.boykaframework.actions.drivers.CookieActions.withCookies;
. . .
withCookies ().delete ("cookie-name");