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📚 Project Structure

Following is the project repository root directory structure:

- .github/
- .husky/
- .vscode/
- assets/
- core-java/
- website/
- .editorconfig
- .eslintignore
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- .prettieriignore
- .prettierrc.json
- commitlint.config.js
- lerna.json
- package.json
- pnpm-lock.yaml
- pnpm-workspace.yaml


1. .github/​

This directory contains issue and PR templates, GitHub Action workflows and other community related files.

2. .husky/​

This directory contains Husky pre-commit hook configs for linting,

  • Commit messages
  • Prettier styles
  • ESLint rules

3. .vscode/​

This directory contains VS Code settings and extensions.

4. assets/​

This directory contains all the assets required by the README file.

5. core-java/​

This directory contains the core framework Java Maven based project.

6. website/​

This directory contains the website documentation for the project.

7. .eslintignore​

This file contains the ESLint ignore patterns for the project.

8. .eslintrc.json​

This file contains the ESLint rules for the project.

9. .gitignore​

This file contains the Git ignore patterns for the project.

10. .nvmrc​

This file contains the Node version for the project.

11. .prettierignore​

This file contains the Prettier ignore patterns for the project.

12. .prettierrc.json​

This file contains the Prettier rules for the project.


This file contains the project change logs for the last release.

14. commitlint.config.js​

This file contains the commit lint config for the project.

15. lerna.json​

This file contains the Lerna settings for the project.


This file contains the license for the project.

17. package.json​

This file contains the project package.json settings.


This file contains the project file.

19. pnpm-lock.yaml​

This file contains the projects pnpm lock file.

20. pnpm-workspace.yaml​

This file contains the project workspace details.