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🏗ī¸ Compose Request

For API automation, we have created ApiRequest class which you can utilize to build API requests.


Check out complete documentation for ApiRequest.

This class has a builder pattern which allows you to build API requests in a fluent way.


Let's create an instance of ApiRequest and build a request for POST /api/users with body:

import static io.github.boykaframework.manager.ParallelSession.createSession;

// Create API session using the config key.
createSession (PlatformType.API, "test_reqres");

// Create request body object.
final User user = User.createUser ()
.name ("Wasiq")
.job ("Software Engineer")
.create ();

// Build API request.
final ApiRequest request = ApiRequest.createRequest ()
.method (RequestMethod.POST)
.path ("/users")
.bodyObject (user)
.create ();

Similarly, you can build a request for other types of requests by modifying RequestMethod enum.